Hideaki Suzuki

Hideaki Suzuki is an associate professor at Nagasaki University where he teaches history of global exchange. He received his doctoral degree from University of Tokyo in 2010 with the thesis to examine transformation of slave traders in the nineteenth-century western Indian Ocean. He has authored several journal articles on Indian Ocean World both in English and Japanese, especially focusing on slave traders and slavery, including “Enslaved Population and Indian Owners along the East African Coast: Exploring the Rigby Manumission List, 1860–1861”, History in Africa: A Journal of Method 39, 1 (2012), “Indo-yō nishi-kaiiki to ‘kindai’: dorei no ryutsu wo jirei ni shite [Western Indian Ocean and ‘Modern Era’: A Case Study on Slave Distributions]” (in Japanese), Shigaku Zasshi 116, 7 (2007). He also contributed to several edited volumes including African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade.