Ahmad Suaedy

Ahmad Suaedy is currently an Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia 2016–21 and Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Archipelago (Islam Nusantara Faculty) for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programmes at Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia (UNUSIA), Jakarta. He received his doctoral degree on Islamic Studies from the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Suaedy is a Founder and former Executive Director (2003–12) of the Wahid Institute; Founder and former Director (2013–16) of the Abdurrahman Wahid Center at the University of Indonesia; and Founder and Director (2014–present) of the Institute of Southeast Asian Islam (ISAIs) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. He is interested in several research themes, including minority rights, Islamic politics, social inclusion, conflict and reconciliation, social movements, and separatism movements. Suaedy has written and edited several books, including Gus Dur, Islamic Archipelago and Multicultural Citizenship/Gus Dur, Islam Nusantara dan Kewarganegaraan Bineka (2018); Islam, Minorities and Identity in Southeast Asia (2018); and Intolerance, Revitalization of Traditions and Challenges of Indonesian Diversity/Intoleransi, Revitalisasi Tradisi dan Tantangan Kebinekaan Indonesia (2017). Together with Ota Atsushi and Okamoto Masaaki, he edited Islam in Contention: Rethinking Islam and the State in Indonesia (2010). He also writes for various national and international journals. He is a member of the International Editorial Board of Walisongo Journal, issued by Universitas Islam Indonesia (UIN) Walisongo, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, and is a reviewer for Jurnal Masyarakat, of Departemen Sosiologi Universitas Indonesia (UI). Private library: www.suaedy-library.net.