Luthfi Assyaukanie

Luthfi Assyaukanie is a Senior Lecturer at Paramadina University and an Associate Researcher at the Freedom Institute and cofounder of the Liberal Islam Network. He received his doctorate in Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Assyaukanie has published two books, contributed 50 entries in two national encyclopedias, and written hundreds of articles, mostly in Indonesian. His pieces appear in national magazines and newspapers, including Tempo, Kompas, Media Indonesia, and Jawa Pos. His research interests are in Islamic Liberalism, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Law Islam and Modernity, Islam and the West, and Democracy, Freedom, and Pluralism.

  • Islamic Thought in Southeast Asia: New Interpretations and Movements

    Islamic Thought in Southeast Asia: New Interpretations and Movements

  • Kerohanian dan Pencerahan
    Out of stock

    Kerohanian dan Pencerahan
