Shameem Abdul Jalil

Shameem Abdul Jalil is an accredited public relations practitioner. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Institut Teknologi MARA, a Master’s degree from the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, and a PhD from ISTAC-ITUM. She has vast exposure in the fields of corporate communication and strategic communications planning for more than three decades. She was the President of the Institute of Public Relations Malaysia for five years and a Board Member of the Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management, Lugano, Switzerland, for two terms. She has written several books and continues to conduct various training programmes in the field. She is currently the Chief Executive Officer of IZ Strategic Comms Consulting and a Council Member of the ASEAN Public Relations Network based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Shameem has founded an NGO, Persatuan Kebajikan Dan Amal Wasatiyyah IMAN, to promote charity and good deeds through the voice of balance and moderation.