
  • The Evolution of Madani: How Is 2.0 Different from 1.0?

    The Evolution of Madani: How Is 2.0 Different from 1.0?

  • Post-Islamism Battles Political Islam in Malaysia

    Post-Islamism Battles Political Islam in Malaysia

  • Muslim Sectarianism versus the De-escalation of Sectarianism in Malaysia

    Muslim Sectarianism versus the De-escalation of Sectarianism in Malaysia

  • Naquib al-Attas' Islamization of Knowledge: Its Impact on Malay Religious Life, Literature, Language and Culture

    Naquib al-Attas’ Islamization of Knowledge: Its Impact on Malay Religious Life, Literature, Language and Culture

  • Syair Perang Siak

    Syair Perang Siak

  • Political and Commercial Considerations Relative to the Malayan Peninsula

    Political and Commercial Considerations Relative to the Malayan Peninsula

  • The Story of Southeast Asia

    The Story of Southeast Asia

  • Fighting for Health: Medicine in Cold War Southeast Asia

    Fighting for Health: Medicine in Cold War Southeast Asia

  • Orang Asli, Land, Forests and the Law: Towards Justice and Equality

    Orang Asli, Land, Forests and the Law: Towards Justice and Equality

  • Power Sharing in a Divided Nation: Mediated Communalism and New Politics in Six Decades of Malaysia Elections

    Power Sharing in a Divided Nation: Mediated Communalism and New Politics in Six Decades of Malaysia Elections

  • The Nature of Man and the Psychology of the Human Soul: A Brief Outline and a Framework for an Islamic Psychology and Epistemology

    The Nature of Man and the Psychology of the Human Soul: A Brief Outline and a Framework for an Islamic Psychology and Epistemology

  • The Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islām
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    The Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islām
