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    The Metaphysical Epistemology of Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatrā’ī: A Study of the Ḥaqq al-Yaqīn fī Aqīdat al-Muḥaqqiqīn

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    Islam and Social Change: The Role of the Ulama in Acehnese Society

  • Bustan al-Salatin: A Malay Mirror for Rulers
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    Bustan al-Salatin: A Malay Mirror for Rulers

  • Acheh's Case: A Historical Study of the National Movement for the Independence of Acheh-Sumatra
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    Acheh’s Case: A Historical Study of the National Movement for the Independence of Acheh-Sumatra

  • Verandah of Violence: The Background to the Aceh Problem
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    Verandah of Violence: The Background to the Aceh Problem

  • The Contest for North Sumatra

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