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Lat: My Life and Cartoons

MOHAMMAD NOR KHALID or more commonly known as Lat, is a Malaysian cartoonist. He is the winner of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize in 2002 and has published more than 20 volumes of cartoons since he was 13 years old.

With assistance from SYED NADZRI SYED HARUN

Editions Didier Millet (First Published, 2016)
232 pages including Index


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Product ID: 26486 Subject: Sub-subjects: , , ,

Lat: My Life and Cartoons chronicles the experiences and insights of veteran cartoonist Mohammad Nor Khalid—far better known as Lat, and includes the true stories behind his fictionalised versions published in his graphic novels The Kampung Boy, Town Boy and Mat Som. From his childhood spent in army camps and the city as much as in the kampung, through his early success as a cartoonist and his experiences as a reporter in 1970s Kuala Lumpur, and on to the heights and excesses of fame and celebrity, Lat tells his story with wit and self-deprecating charm. Along the way, he shares fascinating accounts of his travels to the UK, US, Japan and beyond, and the fulfilment of his long-held ambition to bring his work to life in animations and a multitude of other media.

Packed full of riotous high jinks, fascinating personal anecdotes, and a colourful cast of friends, family members and acquaintances, this autobiography is the richly detailed account of the man and his cartoons that have come to represent the collective memories of an entire country. In telling his story, Lat also shines a light on how Malaysia, the world and his craft have changed over more than half a century.

Already a commercially published cartoonist at the age of 13, Lat has gone on to achieve celebrity status and won the hearts and attention of millions with his inimitable style, wit and perceptive insights. In this entertaining yet surprisingly poignant memoir, he reveals the influences on his work, his dedication to his profession, his passion for music and the importance of his relationships with friends, family and fellow cartoonists.

PROLOGUE The Best Day of My Life

1. Nine Years, Ten Homes

2. Back in the Kampung

3. English School

4. Sungai Rokam

5. Big Break

6. Anderson

7. Outside Interests

8. A Teenage Cartoonist

9. Life as a Cub Reporter

10. KL in the Early 1970s

11. Integrated Crime Desk and the Art Crowd

12. Turning Point: Asia Magazine

13. London, UK

14. Muhammad Ali, two PMs, Girls and Discos

15. A Distinguished Malaysian in the US

16. Marriage and Married Life

17. The Kampung Boy and Town Boy

18. Family Man and Freelancer

19. More Travels and Visit Malaysia Year

20. Animations and TV

EPILOGUE Full Circle: Ipoh and Beyond

Weight0.772 kg
Dimensions23.7 × 17 × 2.7 cm





Year Published


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